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Wecofish A/S

Wecofish A/S - Middelfart

Wecofish A/S

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Beskrivelse af Wecofish A/S

Despite having only very few employees, Wecofish a/s is a global company with annual sales running into well over a hundred million Danish kroner. Wecofish a/s, founded by Henning Wegeberg in 1994, buys and sells shellfish caught in the North Atlantic off the coasts of Canada, Greenland, Iceland and Norway. Wecofish a/s owes its present solid and important position to Henning Wegebergs 30 years of trading shellfish worldwide.

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Tilsvarende serviceudbydere i området

Storebæltsvænget 27, 5500 Middelfart
Assensvej 100, 5500 Middelfart

Her finder du Wecofish A/S