Indspilning-af-lydoptagelser-og-udgivelse-af-musik in Hirtshals Side 2

116 resultater for Indspilning-af-lydoptagelser-og-udgivelse-af-musik

Institut for Fiskeriforvaltning-og Kystsamfundsudvikling

innovative fisheries management (know as ifm) is a social science research and advisory centre working with fisheries and marine management and coastal community development. In particular, IFM focuses on questions of governance within an ecosystem-based ...

Institut For Fiskeriforvaltning- Og Kystsamfundsudvikling

  • Willemoesvej 2, c/o Nordsøen Forskerpark, 9850 Hirtshals
  • 98 94 28 55

innovative fisheries management (know as ifm) is a social science research and advisory centre working with fisheries and marine management and coastal community development. In particular, IFM focuses on questions of governance within an ecosystem-based ...

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