Patents-gning in Danmark

23 resultater for Patents-gning

Sb Patents ApS

Welcome to the European Patent Attorney at SB Patents Here at, we are ready to help you with your patent and patent-related business needs. Some of the main points of our firm, services and products: Expert in advanced patent consulting within ...

Sb Patents ApS

The European Patent Attorney SB Patents is a certified patent attorney specializing in pharma, food and biotech. We provide patent and business consulting within chemistry to pharma, food and biotech companies.


Et konsulentfirma drevet af Erik B. Petersen, civilingeniør i maskinkonstruktion. Jeg har over 13 års erfaring med produktudvikling. Jeg designer, beregner, finder komponenter og udfærdiger arbejdstegninger. Reseach, patentsøgning, Ideudvikling, Simulering ...

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