Ten Cate Advanced Armour Danmark A/S

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Advanced Materials Ärospace Ärospace Industry Armor Armour Artificial Grass Artificial Turf Ballistic Body Armor Body Armour Composite Materials Composites Corporate Governance Cotton Fabrics Drainage Fabrics Fabrikerede Gummiprodukter Finansielle Holdingselskaber Finansieringsselskaber Flame Retardant Fremstilling Af Andre Gummiprodukter Fremstillingsvirksomhed Gummivarer Holdingselskaber Institutional Investor Investor Investor Information Kemiske Produkter Plastikprodukter Og Derivater Outdoor Fabric Outdoor Fabrics Pengeinstitut- Og Finansvirksomhed Forsikring Pool Covers Protective Coating Protective Fabrics Protective Gear Quality Fabrics Sunbrella Fabrics Synthetic Fabrics Synthetic Turf Tencate Textile Fabrics Woven Fabric Woven Fabrics


TenCate combines textile technology with related chemical processes and material technology for development and production of functional materials for: safety & protection, space & aerospace, infrastructure & the environment, and sport & recreation.

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.01.1970 01:00
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