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Alumni Communication Consultant Danish Denmark Editing Of Documents English Foreign Languages Forretningsserviceydelser Freelance German Germany Interpreter Japan Japanese Kazuko N. Steffensen Keio University Language Liberale Videnskabelige Og Tekniske Tjenesteydelser Native Speakers Native Writers Offices In Japan/denmark Oversättere Oversættelse Og Tolkning Proof Reader Proofreading Technical Translation/interpretation Translation Translation Solutions Translator Translators In Japan/europe Wacomm Translations


A translation/interpretation company based in Denmark and Japan – WACOMM Translations provides translation/interpretation of high quality.

Opposite to other ordinary translation companies all translations are being checked by the owner herself who has many years’ experience both as in-house and free-lance translator and who has command of the languages which the company deals with, i.e., Japanese, English, German and Danish.

We deal with all fields, but are especially familiar with technical matters. We work often as a total communicator as translator and interpreter in technical projects where Japanese and European firms are involved.

Bedøm Wacomm

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.01.1970 01:00
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