Christian Bjørn Design ApS

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Asia B2B B2C Brand Business Cbd China Christian Bj?rn Design Color Consumer Consumer Electronic Corporate Design Corporate Identity Creative Ddc Denmark Design Manual Design Strategy Design Thinking Designidea Forskningsbureaür I Industridesign Grafisk Design Graphic Design Icsid Id If Award Illustrations Industrial Design Innovation International Kommerciel Grafisk Design Kommunikationsdesign Og Grafisk Design Lean Liberale Videnskabelige Og Tekniske Tjenesteydelser Material Mechanical Engineering Medico Device Out Of The Box Packaging Design Point Of Sale Product Design Red Dot Award Rogd Roi Service Design Time To Market Usa Usability User Interface Ux Wdc


Designidea is one of Scandinavia’s most experienced design agencies within the field of industrial design. Working with close partners in Asia, Southern Europe and USA we combine global experience with our Scandinavian heritage, creative innovation, design development and prototyping, extending to manufacturing and sourcing of production. Designidea is in the business of innovation & design and know that it makes a difference: to user experiences, to quality of life, to the value of brands and to the creation of wealth.

Bedøm Christian Bjørn Design ApS

* Obligatoriske felter
Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.01.1970 01:00
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