Atlantic Ship Consult ApS

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Agenter Mellemmänd Mäglere Og Hjälpere Inden For S?transporten Arrangement Af Fragttransport Buy Ship Buy Ships Newbuilding Projects Second Hand Vessels Sell Ship Sell Ships Shipbroker Shipbrokers Shipping- Og Speditørvirksomheder Skibsmæglere Transport Og Godshåndtering


Atlantic Shipping A/S, founded 1986, is a firm of international shipbrokers specialized in sale and purchase of fishing vessels and other vessels above 25 meters. Our expertise covers both second hand vessels and newbuilding projects.

A network of worldwide well-established, direct contacts informs us daily about market movements in the field of fishing vessels. We propose suitable sales candidates immediately after receiving an inquiry.

Bedøm Atlantic Ship Consult ApS

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.01.1970 01:00
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