Bemis Packaging Danmark ApS

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Consumer Products Display Emballage - Conception Og Udf?relse Engroshandel Engroshandel Med Andre Råvarer Og Halvfabrikata Engroshandel Og Detailhandel Herunder Også Firmär Der Udfører Reparation Af Motorkøretøjer Og Motorcykler Film Flexible Packaging Graphics Labels Medical Device Pressure Sensitive Shelf Life


Bemis Company, Inc. is the largest flexible packaging company in the Americas and a major manufacturer of pressure sensitive materials used for labels, decoration and signage. Bemis uses material science and innovation to supply a global marketplace. With operations in 58 locations in 10 countries, we are poised to serve the increasingly complex and growing needs of multinational food and consumer products customers. Bemis common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol: BMS.

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.01.1970 01:00
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