Marine in Hirtshals

13 resultater for Marine

Marine-El A/S

Marine El arbejder med alle former for el ombord på skibe - i industrien og privat. Læs om alle de services vi tilbyder her hos Marine-El A/S og kontakt os, hvis I har nogle spørgsmål.

Marine Service Hirtshals a/S

MarineShaft opretter rorstammer og propelleraksler med godkendelse fra alle klasseselskaber. Vores koldretningsteknik er unik.

Marine Shaft Hirtshals a/S

MarineShaft opretter rorstammer og propelleraksler med godkendelse fra alle klasseselskaber. Vores koldretningsteknik er unik.

Marine Design A/S

aluminium, alu, aluminiumsdæk, arbejds-baad, arbejdsbaad, arbejdsbåd, arbejds-båd, arbejdsplatform, arbejds-platform, badebro, badebroer, badeudstyr, badeplatform, bade-platform, bådannonce, bådannoncer, bådtype, bådforhandler, bådudstyr, baadudstyr, baad-udstyr ...

Hirtshals Yard A/S

Hirtshals Yard A/S offers total solutions in ship repair. We are strategically perfectly located for both fishing grounds and offshore fields in the North Sea and the coast along Norway

Sea And Shore Marine Research (Fond)

Innovative Fisheries Management is a social science research and advisory centre working with fisheries management and coastal community development. In particular, IFM focuses on questions of governance within an ecosystem-based approach to marine management ...

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