Touch of Wood

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Danmark Djursland Green Woodwork Rob Foley Working Wood The Natural Way Axe Back-Woodsmen Bowls Chair Chair-Bodgers Chairmaking Class Cleaving Courses Craftsmen Drawknife Fresh Cut Wood Freshly Felled Timber Frö Greenwood Handcraft Instruction Old Way Pole Lathe Pole-Lathe Polelathe Product Shavehorse Spokeshave Spoons Steam-Bending Stool Student Tools Touch Turning Windsor Woodland Crafts Workmanship


Green wooodwork courses offer everyone the opportunity to be a wood worker.
Our school encourages the revival of the simple way of the past where the natural weakness and strength of a tree
are used in the ease of making a durable product. We combine modern technology to create superior chairs without
using elctric or petroleum powered machinery. Therefore, our process is green from an environmental viewpoint.
The tools we use, such as axe, froe, drawknife, shavehorse and polelathe have been around for centuries and are safe
for all ages when handled properly per our instruction.Students will leave not only with a handcrafted item from a
fresh-cut tree but with a new experience and a bond of friendship with others in the class.

Bedøm Touch of Wood

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