Det Norske Veritas. Danmark A/S

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Approval Bygherrer Certification Classification Clean Energy Climate Change Det Norske Veritas Dnv International Risk Services Managing Risk Research Risk Management Serviceydelser For Ingeni?rvirksomhed Tcm:159-1-4 Tcm:159-76193-2 Z_Page


z_page, DNV is a global provider of services for managing risk, helping customers to safely and responsibly improve their business performance. An independent foundation, whose purpose is safeguarding life, property and the environment. Through our network of 300 offices in 100 countries, DNV serves a range of industries by combining its technology expertise and industry knowledge, with a special focus on the maritime and energy sectors.

Bedøm Det Norske Veritas. Danmark A/S

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.01.1970 01:00
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