Iqf-filets in Danmark

4 resultater for Iqf-filets

Bako ApS

  • Vesterbro 18, 2. tv., 9000 Aalborg, 2300 København

Bako index. The wholesale fish trading and distribution expert. Frozen salmon and other seafood for all stages of the fish processing industry and the wholesale sector. Salmon, fresh, block, frozen, IQF filets, cubes, pasteurised sausages, Ritagli, Bits ...

Bako Aps

Bako index. The wholesale fish trading and distribution expert. Frozen salmon and other seafood for all stages of the fish processing industry and the wholesale sector. Salmon, fresh, block, frozen, IQF filets, cubes, pasteurised sausages, Ritagli, Bits ...


Bako index. The wholesale fish trading and distribution expert. Frozen salmon and other seafood for all stages of the fish processing industry and the wholesale sector. Salmon, fresh, block, frozen, IQF filets, cubes, pasteurised sausages, Ritagli, Bits ...

Bako Holding ApS

Bako index. The wholesale fish trading and distribution expert. Frozen salmon and other seafood for all stages of the fish processing industry and the wholesale sector. Salmon, fresh, block, frozen, IQF filets, cubes, pasteurised sausages, Ritagli, Bits ...

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