Northern Light Gallery

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38 60 59 42
38 81 59 41


Antiqü Photographs History Of Photography Tintypes Vintage Photos


Hello everyone, It was good to see everyone at the London Photograph Fair in the beginning of November. Sales were few and far between, but it happens. Also, thanks to the all who came for Photovintage at Galleri Vivienne. That day was lively and starting at a more relaxed hour in the a.m. Thanks to those who purchased something or sold me something. Currently we are getting ready for Photo L.A., which will be held on January 15-18 at the Merchandise Mart downtown. Upcoming shows .... We have been working on updating our website and adding more images to the store.You can now search for tagged images and filter your search for a price range. December is always a quiet month and we are working on the next show which will be Photo la 2015 on January 15 - 18. See the schedule here: Photo LA I hope to see you there. Andrew

Bedøm Northern Light Gallery

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 22.05.2017 21:02
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