Danish Medical Industry Ltd. A/S

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Apoteker Fordeling Og Engros Engroshandel Engroshandel Med Medicinalvarer Og Sygeplejeartikler Engroshandel Og Detailhandel Herunder Også Firmär Der Udfører Reparation Af Motorkøretøjer Og Motorcykler Hospitalsartikler Lägemidler Medicinalvarer


Analogic creates innovative technology that improves the practice of medicine and saves lives. Our ultrasound group designs and manufactures ultrasound systems and transducers that are sold to medical practitioners and researchers under BK and Ultrasonix brands. We also develop specialty transducers and ultrasound solutions for other manufacturers under OEM agreements.

Bedøm Danish Medical Industry Ltd. A/S

* Obligatoriske felter
Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.01.1970 01:00
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