Apm Terminals - Cargo Service A/S

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Fremstillingsvirksomhed Jernst?berier Maskinvärkt?j Metalformgivning Reparation Af Jern- Og Metalvarer Smede- Og Maskinværksteder


APM Terminals operates a Global Terminal Network which includes 20,000 employees in 68 countries with interests in 74 port and terminal facilities and over 160 Inland Services operations. In 2013 APM Terminals was named "International Terminal Operator of the Year" by Containerisation International for the second consecutive year, and was also named the winner of the "Port Operator Award" at the Lloyd’s List Asia Awards.

Bedøm Apm Terminals - Cargo Service A/S

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.01.1970 01:00
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