Irct International Rehabilitation Council For Torture Victims

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Advocacy Assistance Centres Eradicate Torture Foreninger Og Organisationer Foreninger Legater Og Fonde Med Sygdomsbekæmpende Sociale Og Velgørende Formål Health Human Rights Humanitäre Organisationer Selvhjälpsgrupper Organisationer For Socialt Arbejde Ingo International Medical Movement Ngo Prevent Torture Prevention Programmes Psychological Rehabilitation Stop Torture Sundhedsvæsen Og Sociale Foranstaltninger Survivors Of Torture Torture Survivors Torture Victims Treatment Varetägt Af Bebölse Victims Of Torture


The IRCT is the umbrella for more than 140 independent torture rehabilitation organisations in over 70 countries. Each year our members treat more than 100,000 torture survivors and their families.

Bedøm Irct International Rehabilitation Council For Torture Victims

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.01.1970 01:00
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